On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 07:42:15PM +0200, Stefan Kostner wrote:
> >Stefan Kostner wrote:
> >>This means that the filenames of the eps files can be extremely long
> >>causing tools like dvips to crash with either segfault or
> >>for instance "dvips: ! out of string space".
> >
> >Looks like a fundamental limitation. We don't add characters to the 
> >path,
> >just replace them. If your path has more than PATH_MAX characters, 
> >you've
> >lucked out.
> So, why not using other filenames. Since those files are only of 
> temporary nature they could just be numberd, or a combination of 
> numbers and the real filename (without the full path), or only a 
> relative paths...?

The idea was to leave the user with some information were things came
from in case anything went wrong. Just having an error message
'lyxtmp133241.pdf corrupt' is not very helpful.


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