Angus Leeming wrote:

Paul, I just tried your files with the latest versions of latex-beamer, pgf
and xcolor from the web site. It works perfectly, all
the way through to page 84.

Granted, this is under linux, but could you upgrade and try again?

Works perfectly in LyX 1.3.5, too -- just not in 1.3.6pre.

What is it you want me to upgrade? I'm using version 3.00 of Beamer; the version at SourceForge is 3.05, but it's marked "beta". (Can't recall if all versions of Beamer are "beta" or if this really means it might not be stable.) I've got version 14 of the 1.3.6 prerelease, and it gorks on that one. Are you saying you think that it will work (on Windows, mind you) with Beamer 3.05? Does 3.05 do something with the names/paths for graphics files?

Speaking of version 1.3.5, I did a little side by side comparison of the .tex files exported to the temp directory by 1.3.5 and 1.3.6. Bearing in mind that they are reading the source files from different places (1.3.6 gets them from their native home, under My Documents; for 1.3.5, I have to copy them into a directory with no spaces in the path), the arguments to \includegraphics are:

(version 1.3.5) C:/LyX/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2408a00864/lyx_tmpbuf0/_LyX_Documents_MGT914_princomp

(version 1.3.6) "C:/Documents and Settings/rubin.BUSINESS/Local Settings/Temp/lyx_tmpdir3112a03360/lyx_tmpbuf0/C__Documents and Settings_rubin_BUSINESS_My Documents_MGT 914_Lecture Notes_princomp"

So apparently the .pdf extension is not needed (since 1.3.5 doesn't use it, and pdflatex works in that case). Maybe it really is the spaces in the path causing the problem?

I tried the following (with the 1.3.6pre version): I renamed the copy of princomp.pdf in the temp directory, replacing all spaces in the name with underscores; and I edited the .tex file in the temp directory, changing the \includegraphics argument to


(i.e., I chopped off all the path info and converted the spaces in the file name to underscores, matching the renamed copy). Then I ran pdflatex manually against that. It produced a valid, complete PDF file, although the file is about 170KB larger than what I get if I add the .pdf extension the file name. I have no idea about the size difference -- it doesn't look as though anything gratuitous has been added.

Given that LyX is going to copy the graphics files to the temp directory, is there any reason to include the path in the .tex file? If no path is given, won't latex/pdflatex look in the directory where the .tex file lives (the temp directory)? If you omit the path, and convert all spaces to underscores, the underscores issue seems to go away. (Although I would really like to get rid of that 170KB of fat I just gained.)

Anyway, I'm now sufficiently confused that it must be bed time. Let me know if you think installing the 3.05 beta of Beamer might make a difference.

-- Paul

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