Angus Leeming wrote:

Helge Hafting wrote:

You may have to have one script for XP and another for win98,
unless lyx can deal with quoted filenames itself.
I don't know what other windows versions use, but I guess that
2000, 2003 and NT works like XP, with 95 and ME working like 98.
But that's just a guess.

Helge Hafting

Thanks for the info, Helge. Just to make sure that I don't screw this up, could you post the lyx.bat file you'd like for win98?


This should work for win98:
@echo off
if "%LANG%"=="" SET LANG=fr_FR
"C:\Program Files\LyX\bin\lyx.exe" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Don't hardcode the name "Program files", use what's
actually there. My win98 calls that "Programfiler" - which is a translated name. I believe windows have a way of getting the pathnames of standard directories
like this one, otherwise no installers could work.  Don't ask me how though.

Helge Hafting

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