On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 04:05:07PM +0200, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I defined a few latex macros like
>   \newcommand{\SRx}[1]{\hyperref[headsrx#1
> {\MakeUppercase{sr}x\_\MakeTextUppercase{#1}}}
> which save some typing effort and allow reformatting of all SRx at a later 
> point in time.
> If this would be a complete paragraph, LyX support would be excellent by 
> defining a new .layout file.
Yes.  That is a great way of using custom environments.

> But these macros are used within a paragraph. So far I have found nothing 
> else 
> than using ERT e.g. \SQx{abc} which is kind of ugly. Ideally I would like to 
> do some "special inserts SRx" which also should be bindable to a key. Now I 
> am wondering
> -> Did I just not find out how to do that in in LyX, but it is already 
> available? Kind of unlikely, I asked before on lyx-users:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users%40lists.lyx.org/msg40302.html
> -> Lyx 1.3.5 can't do that but it is impemented in a later version
> -> Nobody thought so far that is useful, but it in fact is and I should open 
> a 
> wishlist item bug report
Search the archives for "text styles".  Text styles are not finished yet, and
probably won't be for lyx 1.4.  Beyt they do what you want: 
You can define new text styles (in addition to basic ones like "bold")
and apply them over whatever selections you make.  

> -> Is that a completely wrong approach for what I want to achieve and the 
> feature would be completely useless.

No - this is very useful.  And there is a trick for getting limited text
style functionality today.  It is a hack:

Lyx support colors, but many documents doesn't use them all.  Each
color you don't use can be redefined in the preamble to do something else,
such as invoking a custom latex command.  So when you need "your" 
command, use the corresponding color in the document.

You won't get support for command parameters this way, though.

Helge Hafting 

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