I have written a basic Spotlight importer for LyX/Mac. Spotlight is Apple's new search engine for Mac OS 10.4; it indexes the contents of files as they are saved. For this to work, Spotlight must have an importer that identifies each file type and how to index these files' contents. Without the importer, .lyx files simply do not show up in Spotlight searches.

The importer I have written is maximally simple -- telling Spotlight that LyX files are plain text, and having it index their entire contents (without filtering anything).

I've posted the importer (LyX-Metadata.mdimporter.zip -- < 8KB) as well as the source files for Apple's Xcode development platform (LyX- Metadata.zip -- ~ 1.7MB) here: <http://edisk.fandm.edu/bennett.helm/ LyX/>. The former, at least, belongs in development/MacOSX/LyX.app/ Contents/Library/Spotlight/; I can provide a .diff file, if you like. The latter requires Xcode 2.1 on MacOS X; it would be relatively easy for a knowledgeable person to improve on it (so that, e.g., only the document text gets indexed), which is why I've posted it there. Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable enough to do more.

Should this go in?


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