Am Montag, 3. Oktober 2005 14:53 schrieb Juergen Spitzmueller:
> Georg Baum wrote:
> > Unfortunately not :-( I changed the math parser some time ago to 
> > the last row if it is empty (see delEmptyLastRow). This is needed for
> > arrays with hlines after the last row.
> > If something has to be changed, then in the math parser (e.g. one 
> > only ignore the empty row if it follows a hline), but not in
> > MathGridInset. I currently have no time, but might think of a solution
> > later.
> But this patch addresses the first row, not the last. Are you sure this 
> related?

Yes, although my first thought was wrong. Actually the patch is almost 
right, but it fails if you have a row with extra space (\\[2mm]). 
Although there is no GUI for the latter and it is not documented, we 
should get this right.
I am working on this now (unfortunately I found more bugs while 


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