
I posted this message on the users list, but as I got no answer
I think devel would have vbeen more appropriate.
Sorry for the crospost.

I have LyX installed on a Debian with two latex distributions:
 - teTeX-2.0 deb package (needed for dependencies)
 - TeXLive-2004

I work under tcsh, and set the PATH so that TeXLive bin comes
before teTeX binaries.

LyX reconfigure finds TeXLive OK, and all worked fine until recently
where it appeared that LyX runs teTeX in the background,
the only changes I can think of  is a regular apt-get upgrade
and a download of the tex2lyx deb package, after which I 
pasted all LyX-1.4/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/*.py scripts in /usr/share/lyx/lyx2lyx.

I strongly suspect this last operation to be responsible fro the problem.
Any confirmation ? Any other clue ?
This seems related to another question I posted a few weeks ago
about the htlatex compilation from outside and inside LyX.

I've seen a general wrapper in the scripts dir: could it explain
why my PATH env variable seems not seen by the LyX internals ?



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