Angus Leeming a écrit :
Abdel wrote:

Well I think I have used yours already:

set QTDIR=D:\install\qt\qt-3
set MINGW=D:\mingw
set MSYS=D:\msys
set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%MINGW%\bin;%MSYS%\bin;%PATH%
set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
cd qt-3
configure.bat -fast -verbose

and echo statements indicate that these environment variables are all
as you'd expect?

echo %QTDIR%
echo %MINGW%
echo %MSYS%
echo %PATH%


I ask because I've had problems using
  set PATH=...;%PATH%
in the past.

The path seems OK here. First entries are: D:\install\qt\qt-3\bin;D:\mingw\bin;D:\msys\bin;

Maybe is it a problem of mingw32-make? I am using version 3.80.

I am lost :-(
I have try to compile with win32-msvc (I have VC++ 6.0) also. It does go farther but fail at some point during the compilation. VC++6 is not supported by lyx anyway (AFAIK).


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