>>>>> "Uwe" == Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Uwe> My FTP client doesn't show me the file but tells me that it is
Uwe> there, the upload was also successful. 

Strange I see nothing.

Uwe> But anyway it seems that ftp.lyx.org has no folder with enough
Uwe> permissions to upload files.
Uwe> ftp://ftp.devel.lyx.org/pub/incoming/ has permissions "2773" but
Uwe> "2777" is needed to be able to read all files.

When I login to ftp.devel as lasgouttes, I cannot read into incoming/.
Lars, can you change that please?

Uwe> ftp://ftp.lyx.org/incoming/ has permissions "2355". I think we
Uwe> should allow uploads for at least one directory.

Unfortunately, I did not manage to create the directory correctly (we
only have ftp access). Lars, if you cannot get via people to set the
right permissions, I will delete the directory. 

Uwe> I uploaded it now to

Uwe> http://fkurth.de/uwest/LyX/BaKoMa4LyX.zip

I got it. 

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