Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Tomasz Łuczak wrote:

 > I use TeXLive2005 and path to latex.exe is in PATH variable.
 > After run LyXWin137preSmall-0-6.exe appear a message:
 > No LaTeX-distribution could be found!...

This is fixed now. I use this code to catch all TeXLive cases:
Thanks, it should working but still missing support for installation for current user, e.g.:
${if} $LatexPath == ""
   ReadRegStr $String HKCU "Environment" "TLroot"
   StrCpy $LatexPath "$String\bin\win32"
   ; check if the latex.exe exists in the $LatexPath folder
   !insertmacro FileCheck $5 "latex.exe" "$LatexPath"
   ${if} $5 == "False"
    StrCpy $LatexPath ""

I've see that you are one of the authors, so here are some annotations:
- the folders
  aren't deleted when TeXLive is uninstalled. I expected a clean
  uninstallation that simply deletes TeXLive's install directory.
In next edition of tlpmgui uninstall procedure will remove setup-win32 directory. The directory bin\win32 is removed during uninstallation. Probably you had opened this directory in explorer or any file from this directory was opened.

- the folder
  \texmf-local isn't deleted when TeXLive live CD/DVD is unregistered.
Yes, because it contains classes and styles added by user.
I will add checkbutton to uninstall page "Remove texmf-local" in next edition.

- WinDVI is still registered as default DVI-viewer after TeXLive's
Uninstaller contains unregister procedure. I have to check it.

The installation on harddisk using the scheme "basic" lasts more than 45
 minutes! Why that? (MiKTeX was already installed before I installed
TeXLive. Could it be that the interfer altough this shouldn't be the
case because I installed it on a different harddisk partition.
It is possible. CD contains only zipped packages but DVD (TeXLive ready to run from DVD) contains only unzipped packages. For DVD tlpm have to copy file by file if directory contain files from other packages. It take a lot of time. Install from CD is significant shorter - tlpm only unzip packages. Mode detail about tlpm can explain author of tlpm Paweł Jackowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] Source code is available too.

At last another question:
Does Windows uses the copepage "Windows CP-1250" as standard/default on polish systems?
Generally yes, but Windows use CP1250 for GUI, CP852 for text mode, ISO8859-2 (Polish Standard) in Internet Explorer for display internet pages and internal UNICODE in M$Office or Wordpad ;-)

best regards
  Tomasz Łuczak

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