Angus Leeming a écrit :
Michael Gerz wrote:
I post it from time to time :-) If only I could convince Angus that
static linking is much better than dynamic linking. Than the whole
LyX/Win family would be united again :-)

You can't convince me, because it's not ;-)

Let's be clear: it's a kludge to get decent compile times using the MinGW

FYI, dynamic linking with Qt4.1 with full debug (-g) is very quick so I guess it should be possible to reduce this compile times significantly by re-architecturing the Qt3win port (I mean the library, not the frontend) by using more forward declaration. But this is of course beyond the scope of the Lyx project.

Let's also be clear: compile times are better for you, but not
significantly better for me.

Same here. It's unacceptable in both cases because I can't use the computer for many hours (Windows is not very good at multitasking).


Uniting the scripts is a different issue. I'm sure that it's not beyond the
wit of man to modify development/Win32/packaging/ so that
there are both static and dynamic routes. Usage:

  sh static '1.3.7pre9'
  sh dynamic '1.3.7pre9'

where '1.3.7pre9' is an optional extra (as now).

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