Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:

        if (isRequired("color")) {
                if (params_.graphicsDriver == "default")
-                       packages << "\\usepackage[usenames]{color}\n";
-               else
+                       if (isRequired("dvipost"))
+                               packages << "\\usepackage[usenames]{color}\n";
+                       else
+                               packages << "\\usepackage{color}\n";
+               else {

-- this is not user friendly _and_ can give errors when
   another package needs color with anotehr option.
-- you should load xcolor with

                        packages << "\\usepackage["
-                                << params_.graphicsDriver
-                                << ",usenames"
-                                << "]{color}\n";
+                                << params_.graphicsDriver;
+                       if (isRequired("dvipost"))
+                               packages << ",usenames";
+                       packages << "]{color}\n";
+               }

\PassOptionsToPackage should _always_ be used instead of the above.


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