Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jean-Pierre Chrétien wrote:
> > I just find out that the --with-version-suffix=-1.4.0cvs-qt does not
> > works anymore for lyx, lyxclient and tex2lyx, which clobber the
> > current installed lyx working version.
> >
> > Does this deserve a bugzilla message ?
> IMO yes. 

Done, bug 2237.

>What is wrong? For once, it seems to work for me ATM.
> (did you try to rerun ./autogen.sh before compiling?)

It's part of the procedure:
umask 022
cd /usr/local/Packages/lyx-devel
cvs update -dP >cvsupdate_log.txt
autogen.sh >autogen_log.txt
./configure --with-version-suffix=-1.4.0cvs-qt  --with-frontend=qt
--with-qt-dir=/usr/local/qt-3.3.4 --with-extra-lib=/usr/local/lib
--with-extra-lib=/usr/local/qt-3.3.4/lib > configlog.txt
make >makelog.txt
make install-strip > installog.txt

It used to work all right,  before december 2005
(I clobber the logs, so I can't be more specific, sorry).


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