On Feb 13, 2006, at 10:10 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Bennett" == Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

An earlier version of this patch removed the additional
$version_suffix at the end of binaries names for windows and OSX. I
removed it because it breaks lib/configure when the
--with-version-suffix option is given. I am not sure which one is
better. Bennett I can do as you prefer: if you provide a preference
file with the right tex2lyx invocation, getting rid of the version
suffix on binaries may be better.

Bennett> I've attached the preferences file that finds the correct
Bennett> tex2lyx.

But this will not work if you compile with --with-version-suffix,
right? If you want I can change macosx packaging so that version
suffix is never used on binaries (lyx, tex2lyx, lyxclient). Would you
like that?

Yes. (I thought that's what you were suggesting above, but I guess I should have been explicit: never using the version suffix on binaries is preferable on Mac.)


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