On Fri, Apr 07, 2006 at 12:31:57PM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> "Kayvan A. Sylvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | > My x86 box:
> | > gcc (GCC) 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)
> | > 
> | > My x86_64 box:
> | > gcc (GCC) 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)
> | > 
> | > but something must be differnt... but what...?
> | 
> | Does anyone have any idea why I keep getting those linking errors?
> | 
> | My Redhat FC4 x86_64 box is updated and running the same tools as Lars's.
> | 
> | I have not been able to do a successful build on my machines for weeks now.
> You don't have a mixture of i386 and x86_64 packages?


I'm running an x86_64 only configuration.

Kayvan A. Sylvan          | Proud husband of       | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan, | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
http://sylvan.com/~kayvan | my beautiful Queen.    | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)

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