Attached .tex files simplified by changing all graphic letters to o found in crittero...

Hope this helps.


Martin Vermeer wrote:

On Tue, Apr 18, 2006 at 10:18:02PM +0200, Michael Gerz wrote:
Garst R. Reese wrote:

Attached you will find the cover pdf generated with ps2pdf from the print to file output from 1.3.7. I cannot provide the equivalent pdf
from 1.4.1 because ps2pdf aborts with errors.
View pdf works but instead of 5 lines of letters, there are only 4 and the title is raised a few cm. The difference in the .lyx files is that 1.3.7 says begin_inset Minipage and 1.4.1 begin inset Box Frameless


could you please provide us with a simple test case (minimized LyX file) and add a report to bugzilla?

And what is the LaTeX code produced by both?

If 1.4.1 and 1.3.7 do not produce the same output, there is a serious regression.

The problem could be in lyx2lyx (Minipage -> Box).
- Martin

Attachment: Abookcover1.3.7.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: Abookcover1.4.1.tex
Description: TeX document

Attachment: crittero.eps.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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