Georg Mayr wrote:
> I am stuck trying to use a LaTeX style file with Lyx. Being relatively
> new to Lyx and not knowing much about LaTeX does not help me either!
> Therefore my call for help to you out there:
> I followed the example in 6.2.2 of the "Customizing Lyx" manual (vs.
> 1.1.6). What I could not figure out: into which directory does the
> "myclass.sty" file in the example have to go?

*.sty - files depends to latex and the best way to store these files
is in ~./TeX, your private tex-dir or in /usr/local/share/texmf/latex,
your local tex-dir.

> Should I rather go to the users-mailing list for the remaining question?

this is the list for the documentation of lyx and it has very low
volume. therefore you should always write to


> The style file I am trying to use is for journals of Meteorological
> Societies, "amets.sty".
> I made a new layout file by using the "article.layout" file to produce
> an "amets.layout" in ~/.lyx/layouts. Its beginning is:
> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article,amets.sty]{article( AMetS)}

\DeclareLaTeXClass{article( AMetS)}

> # Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
> # Author : Matthias Ettrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # Transposed by Pascal André <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # Heavily modifed and enhanced by serveral developers.
> Preamble
>         \usepackage{amets}
> EndPreamble

with this commands in the layout file the amets.sty is loaded
by default.

> # Input general definitions
> Input
> I have not made any changes to, and I don't know where to
> put the "amets.sty" file.

all lyx-layout files store in ~/.lyx/layouts and all *sty-files see

> I am including the amets.sty file here for my next questions:
> After I change in Lyx: Layout->Document   to article( AMetS)
> should I not be able to see paragraph environments like
> asection
> asubsection etc. ?

the lyx-layout files are only for the wysiwyg and you'll see only
that styles which are described in any of the used layout files
in ~/.lyx/layouts or in /usr/share/lyx/layouts. modify your
amets.layout (you can adopt the standard article.layout) store
it in ~/.lyx/layouts, do a edit->reconfigure from within lyx
and restart, than all should work.



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