On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Larry Kollar wrote:
> internal (specification) documents these days. The current style sets
> headings in a sans font (like koma-script) and outdents them somewhat
> (which seems to be nearly impossible to do automatically using LaTeX,
> I've tried although I'm no LaTeXnician). From there, different people
> use different methods to differentiate section from sub from subsub ---
> most vary the font size and often use some other visual hints. For
> example, sections can be indicated by a horizontal rule above the text,
> subsections wrap in the sidehead, and subsubs are indented to appear
> above the body text. That's just one of dozens of possibilities.

Check out the PDF file included with Peter Wilson's (who is my hero with
his "ancient" and "bookhand" fonts) package "memoir" on CTAN,
specifically, Chapter 8 (page 95). Is this sort of thing what you had in
mind? BTW, that manual has a huge treatise on page layout through history.
Wilson ought to publish a book on all his TeX hacking - he is amazing.

Direct link:


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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