Ignacio García schrieb:

I send you more small patchs and doubts about UserGuide: "The nesting depth is typically reset, however. If you want to keep both
         the current nesting depth and paragraph environment, you should use
         M-Return to break paragraphs."
        I see no difference between M-Return and Return

Oh, it should be C-Return, I fixed this.

6.6.5 In the command "old-style page number:|oldstylenums",
        Why to put ":"?

To have this output:
"old-style page number:, 87"

Because this index entry is not about the description of the old-style but to show that the page number appers in this style in the index.

6.9     Three paragraphs to the end of section, "(Btw. \setkomafont is ..."
        Sorry, I have no idea what's "Btw."

This means "by the way". I deleted it now since it is not really needed.

A.1     "At the end of the menu the four last opened documents are listed"
        Now, this is changed by Opent Recent, isn't it?

No, even in LyX 1.5.2 there are 4 recent files shown.

A.2.8   "These two menus are only active when the cursor is inside a
table or a formula."
        The Text Style options of the math menu are available out of formula.

You are right, but this is a bug I reported now:

A.3     "The default viewers are set by LyX while it is first configured
or later reconfigured."
        But while reconfigure the user settings for viewers are saved. Isn't it?

Yes. The sentence it a bit unclear, I therefore changed it to:
"Invoking a menu will start a viewer program. The viewer can be set or changed in the preferences, see section xxx. The default viewers are set by LyX while it is first configured."
Please also do this in the Spanish version.

A.4.21  Please, revise the cross-reference

My mistake, thanks I corrected it.

A.4.24  "Inserts the actual date in the following form: month/day/year"
        For me it inserts day/month/year

I'll have a look after today (09/09/07) ;-).

A.9.4   The math toolbars are not mentioned.

I know. I plan to translate my German math manual
to English there the math toolbar will be explained.

B.1.1   "For the moment, only one file exists, the default.ui."
        And classic.ui.
        "LyX supports internationalization of the user interface, see section 
        Wrong cross-ref.
> B.5.5 Paths and B.9 BibTeX and makeindex are out of place

As I wrote in the announcement, Appendix B is not yet ready. But I just finished section B.1 and inserted it to the Spanish version so that you can translate it.

I also fixed some image paths in your file. Besides section B.1. there is a new bibligraphy entry to translate.
I uploaded the file to trunk:

I'll upload it the next days also to the LyX 1.5.x branch so that it will be 
part of LyX 1.5.2.


I have to set up some scripts before I can commit the userguide. In one of 
them, I need the Spanish
version of this phrase:
"LyX Documentation Table of Contents"
How would you translate it?

best regards

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