On Thursday 24 March 2011 14:25:04 ozgul sokmen wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to ask you about writing more than one title in the first
> page. I define two different `titles` from environment box, however in the
> ouput file, i just see the second sentence that i have written as `title`.
> A Study of Cluster Analysis and Its Application to EU Countries & Turkey on
> Copenhagen Criteria
> I wanna see both of these sentences in my first page as title, but how i
> can do it?
> Regards,
> Ozgul Sokmen

If you use KOMA Script, you can have 'Subject' at the top of the page followed 
by Title.

Alternatively, put a line with a single binding space between the two 
'titles'; use Ctrl-Return after each line.

BTW, this forum is for errors in the documentation; the user forum is for 
support issues.


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