Am 20.02.2016 um 20:41 schrieb Andrew Parsloe:

Sec 3.11.3: "A \label command immediately after \begin{subequations}
will produce a \ref of the parent number 4.9, not 4.9a.".

OK, so it seems that this referencing method is used. I will add it to the Math manual.

And particularly section 3.7, "Alignment building blocks", where they
discuss the environments aligned, gathered and alignedat, and give
Maxwell's equations as an example.

But this is in LyX for many years, see the math manual, sec. 18.6.
E.g. simply paste this code:

\left.\begin{aligned} B'&=-\partial\times E,\\ E'&=\partial\times B - 4\pi j, \end{aligned} \right\} \qquad \text{Maxwell's equations}

into an empty formula in LyX.

But you told me that this is not enough. You want to number and reference the 2 equations. I don't know how to do this and sent you a link to solutions that are close to that. I would be curious to know if there is any solution for this problem or not on stackexchange.

regards Uwe

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