On 09.05.16 01:22, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 29.04.2016 um 17:05 schrieb mn:

> A plea: Please modify the files where they are . Just turn on change 
> tracking. This assures that the relative image paths are preserved and 
> this saves me time.

Didn’t even know that. Sorry for that.

If I understand this correctly this is apparently not possible on Mac.

Help-docs are opened read-only and non editable, the change-tracking
sub-menu greyed out. (Help-files reside inside the application bundle)

To do anything with the doc I had to save it. Elsewhere.

>> The shortcut for creating a single quotation mark in LyX cannot be as
>> universal as the wording implies.
>> And it does not use the "-sign!
>> On Mac with German-keyboard-layout the given shortcut Opt-" gives a
>> correct closing-double quotation mark
>> \textquotedblleft{} (“) and LyX does not transform this in any way to
>> opening or closing single quotation marks.
> The german UserGuide should reflect LyX's german-specific shortcuts. 
> Could you please send me a proposed correction?

I would prefer something like:
“Smart” single quotes for German documents can be entered on the Mac
using Ctrl-Shift-2. Direct quotes with Opt-s, Opt-#.
(obviously translated then)

In both cases assuming German keyboard-layout.

Since this seems to be more than what’s intended for this doc, a switch
to the hardcoded shortcut inset would display Alt-" on linux and Ctrl-"
on Macs. But these are missing completely from the German guide whereas
they are present in the English one.
Are they to be avoided for German?


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