Am 16.05.2016 um 14:09 schrieb mn:

The ImageMagick that should be called is at 6.9.4.
How do I check which path and program/options is used for that from LyX?

LyX uses the version that is installed on your system.

Maybe you are using an older version of hyph-utf8 and/or ba­bel-ger­man?

That should be from MacTex 2015, latest updates applied.

OK, then they are up to date.

Nevertheless, as long as the page-metaphor is transferred to or kept in
PDFs, things like widows and orphans should be avoided still.


This and a few additions to the tutorial are attached.

I committed only a few of your changes. Most are just a matter of taste and the user is just learning how LyX works in the Tutorial so that forced page breaks are something he does not yet know.

One thing I saw and didn't touch:
Footnotes start their numbers afresh in chapters.
Again, if this is intended, OK.

This is the default. You can of course change this with the command \numberwithin, see the EmbeddedObjects manual.

Another point: You changed the info that LyX supports every image
format. It really does! (Thanks to ImageMagick and Ghostscript.)

Well, I thought that would be a bet on the safe side.
You know, _every_ format.
A quick check and I cannot find in “identify” the formats for STAD,
NeoChrome and ApplePreferred (GS). There seem to be a bit more though.

Are these normed image formats? Of course I can invent my own image format and LyX cannot support it.
However, some advertising for LyX is not too bad here.

You found a bug. Can you please report it in our bug database:

Just to clarify:
This symbol seems to be missing in Palatino, Helvetica.

Then LyX should not offer them in the special character dialog.

thanks and regards

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