>>List-Subscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>From: Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 17:29:13 +0200
>>To: Beaubert Francois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Lyx1.1.5 et accent en math text mode
>>> Bonjour,
>>> Jen'arrive pas a obtenir les accents é,è, etc en math text mode.
>>> J'ai un clavier francais qui ne me semble pas exotique
>>> Y'a t'il une config particuliere ds lyx ou cela vient t'il plus
>>> generalement de la configuration de mon XF86config-4 ?
>>> Merci
>>I am just guessing what you are asking ;-}
>>It is LyX's fault, but there are several work arounds to get é in math
>>text mode, all of them far from perfect.
>>The safest ways is probably to create a TeX macro called 'eacute' by typing 
>><C-l>\def\eacute{\mbox{é}}<C-l> (or whatever your local TeX guru
>>recommentd) and use \eacute in the formulae.
>>Alternatively you could use mathed's acute inset to "fake" the accent by
>>typing  \acute<space><C-m>e<C-m>.
>>Note that you could bind this sequence to some key combination in your
>>.lyx/bind/*.bind files.
>>In the current CVS version you could theoretical insert é directly,
>>unfortunately the key translation does not work properly, so the formula
>>never sees that character...

In math text mode, all is fine here with direct 8bit input
using the compose key (with 1.1.5 as asked by François), but
for the typographic difference between \acute{\textrm{e}} and \mbox{é},
i.e. the diacritic is a « fake », as indicated above.
So what about the accented characters in plain text: do they work OK ?


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