>>From: "laurent daumail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: ps2pdf +book
>>Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 13:42:34 +0200
>>question peut-etre en marge de Lyx.
>>je n'ai pas de problème pour convertir en .pdf avec ps2pdf 
>>des fichier.ps quand ils sont issus du type de document
>>ceux issus du type book donnent en revanche des fichiers
>>je n'ai guere envie de proceder en decoupant le document, ne serait-ce
>>que pour ne pas perdre les ref croisées entre chapitres.
Version de GS ? 
Ça peut provenir des nested links d'hyperref.
Essayez avec tex2pdf.pl (qui passe par pdflatex)
Fonctionne si vous utilisez graphics (ou graphicx).

--- Begin Message ---
Hello everyone,

There is a new release of the tex2pdf bash shell script.

It is only a frontend to hyperref, pdftex and similar tools. So you still
need all of them.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to get this done. Special thanks to
Steffen Macke and Jean-Pierre Chretien who have helped a lot with the
development of 2.2 and 2.3. This is the last bash release.

I have finally ported tex2pdf to Perl to end all this shell script
hacking. The first Perl beta release 3.0beta1 is available, too.
It is supposed to be feature complete and it seems to be rather
stable as well.

You can download both from here:

Please, send any feedback to the developer mailing list. NOT to me
personally: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bye, Steffen

PS: At the time of this writing BerliOS is not responding. This will be
fixed soon, I guess.

--- End Message ---

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