>>>>> "Eckhard" == Eckhard Hofmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eckhard> Hi all, I'am trying to use the special format \substack for
Eckhard> an integral in Lyx1.0.0pre2.  I set (use AMS MATH) to on in
Eckhard> the Document layout section.  But I'am stuck at the moment
Eckhard> when I try to insert the AMS code into an integral placed
Eckhard> with LYX: The "official" AMSTEX command is:
Eckhard> \[int_{\substack{i=0 \\ j=j+1}} f(i,j)\]


Unfortunately, he support that was in mathed for substack has been
disabled for technical reasons. I don't know what kind of workaround
could be used. Maybe Alejandro could give some hints...


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