>>>>> "Pietro" == Pietro Abbati Marescotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pietro> Hi all, I'm new to this list but I'm not new with lyx!  First
Pietro> of all my own congratulations for the way you're keeping on
Pietro> this list!!
Pietro> I decide to write on this ML because I've some problems
Pietro> compiling Lyx 1.0.0 (!!! I know that everyone found it
Pietro> reliable..)
Pietro> when I launch ./configure the output told me that the header
Pietro> 'forms.h' is not available. I used the command 'find / -iname
Pietro> forms.h' that wrote me that I've this header and it is in
Pietro> /usr/include, as in /usr/X11/include.  Thus I try (shouldn't
Pietro> it be the default path?) to launch configure as follow:
Pietro> ./configure --with-extra-inc=/usr/include or -another time- as
Pietro> ./configure --with-extra-inc=/usr/X11/include When configure
Pietro> run it check (as its output wrote) in the directory that I
Pietro> wrote upon, but at the ned nothing changes.


What system are you using? On linux, you might need to install the
kernel sources to be able to compile. Otherwise, you could send the
file config.log (remove config.cache and re-run configure) so that we
can see what is wrong.


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