>>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Jan> Hi all, as mentioned in section 2.4.2 (Modifiers and
>Jan> Mode_switch), lyx supports using the compose key. But on a sun
>Jan> keyboard exactly and and only insight the lyx window it does not
>Jan> work as described and expected. Typing Compose+"+U leads to a
>Jan> double-quote followed by a 'U' and not to =DC. Especially
>Jan> Compose+s+s to =DF is necessary for writing German texts.
>>>>> Do you have compose key working in other applications?
>Jan> Yes, I don't know any other application where it is not working.
>>>  OK, what does happen when you run 'lyx -dbg 1'. I am interested in
>>> lines beginning with 'InitLyXLookup:'.
>Jan> I can't see any line beginning with 'InitLyXLookup:'.  When the
>Jan> Compose-key is pressed down insight the LyX window, 'Empty
>Jan> argument!' is printed.
>Can you try to run LyX with '-dbg 4' argument? This will turn on
>messages about key handling.
Lyx started with option -dbg 4 tells the when compose is pressed:
KeySym is Multi_key[65312] and num_bytes is 0 the string returned is ""
Key [-1][Multi_key][0]
now followed by the sequence '"' + 'U':
KeySym is Shift_R[65506] and num_bytes is 0 the string returned is ""
KeySym is diaeresis[168] and num_bytes is 1 the string returned is "¨"
Key [-1][S-diaeresis][1]
KeySym is U[85] and num_bytes is 1 the string returned is "U"
Key [-1][S-U][1]

        Thanks Jan

PS: Please replay directly, I'm not subscribed. Thanks

 Jan Menzel | email:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            | http://nummer1.saw.rwth-aachen.de

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