>>>>> "Arnaud" == Arnaud Turier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I'm about to write more and more for my master thesis with LyX (as
>> I did for my thesis for a diploma). Since the pages around the
>> "real content" are growing (table of contents, abstract,
>> thanksgivings, ...), I'd really like to use another numbering
>> scheme for those pages, i. e. small roman numbers (i, ii, iii, ...)
>> Eventually those numbers should restart with an arabic number "1"
>> on the first right page of the first chapter (section, I use the
>> article layout).

Arnaud> You have to use \pagenumbering{roman} after the field "date"
Arnaud> in the title part before inserting the "Table of contents" and
Arnaud> \pagenumbering{arabic} after the first
Arnaud> \section. \pagenumbering restarts the counter to 1.

The ``right'' way of doing it is to add
at the beginning of your document
at the beginning of serious stuff, and
  \backmatter (or \endmatter, I don't remember)
before the ending part. All this marked as TeX, of course.

This will take care of page numbering, but also the sections will be
unnumbered (but appear in the toc) in the front and back part.


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