
On 30-Sep-99 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> If you are using the book class, you can add (marked as TeX)
> \frontmatter at the beginning of the document,
> \mainmatter at the beginning of the main part
> \backmatter at the end of the main part.

        Now, I know this question comes up a lot (at least, it has recently :)
but I have a different question related to it, and a design suggestion related
to the related question.  :)

        Q:  Is there a way to pass arguments, when printing through LyX, to get
those "frontmatter" pages to print?  From the dvips docs, you can do stuff like
-pp =2-5 to get pages *absolute* 2 (in other words, if you start with page "i",
that would be page "ii") through page 5 (relative to the page *numbered* 1 in
the book)... however, when I try putting such things in the "pages" field of
LyX' print dialog I get error messages.

        Suggestion:  Make a way, via a fancier dialog or a way to pass args to
dvips (or whatever the user is using) so that we could print just the
frontmatter pages or do other weird stuff.  :)

        (I noted yesterday that if I have some \frontmatter pages and I request
to print page 1, I get *both* the absolute first page of the document, *and* the
page numbered "1".  To get the real second page, I found that I had to do
"Update DVI" and use a shell window to print it via dvips; LyX would not print

        So, there is my stuff... do with it what you will.  :)


// Carl Hudkins ]=[ ICQ: 5723399 ]=[ PGP: 0x50238d9e
// "I've given up on the whole dating scene.  I've
//  decided to reproduce by asexual cell division."
//         --Wally

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