---------Messaggio ricevuto----------
> Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:40:42 +0200
> From: "Ralf Plaenkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: "Ralf Plaenkers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: ps too big ???
> claudio wrote:
> >       Hello, I'm writihg my thesis with Lyx, but I get a problem: I 
need to
> >       produce images with StarOffice ( they come out as results of 
> Starcalc
> >       sheet) and to include in the LyX file I can make tho things :
> >       1) export directly in ps, but it's too large ( 3Mb)
> >       2) save in tiff (200-300 Kb) and use tiff2ps but the ps is too 
large (
> >       3Mb)
> >
> >       Is possible to reduce the size of the files ps I have with 
> >       compression tool ?
> >
> >       Thanks , Claudio
> >
> You can gzip the PS (or better EPS) files. This makes you save quite
> a lot of megs. But you need to extract the bounding box information
> first and put it into a separate file. This leaves you with one
> image.eps.gz and one image.eps.bb file.
> LaTeX and xdvi should be able to deal with these compressed images
> automagically.
> Unfortunately, LyX is not yet able to display them. But you can
> still use them without problems, you simply need to turn display off
> in the figure popup and change the name of your image from image.eps
> to image.eps.gz in that same popup.
> Below is a little script that can do the trick on hopefully any PS
> and EPS file.

Thanks a lot


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