
You are right. In fact the problems comes from the lyxrc (I now can
export in ps format ; \print_adapt_output is now to false).

My setting was \print_adapt_output true ;
\print_command  "dvips" ; \print_extra_options "" ;
\print_spool_command "rsh inalf lp <" ; \print_spool_printerprefix "" ;

The problem is that the ps exportation uses \print_command and
\print_extra_options, which generate the command :

dvips "" -t a4 -o "/home/hathout/latex/toto.ps" toto.dvi &

and it seems dvips do not like the empty string "".


Juergen Vigna writes:
 > On 15-Oct-99 Nabil Hathout wrote:
 > > 
 > > File->ViewPostscript works fine (it launches gv on
 > > (/var/tmp/lyx_tmp206aaa/lyx_bufrtmp206aaa)/cliques.ps_tmp).  I think
 > > the problem comes from a wrong parameter in the dvips command of the
 > > exportation (I saw "-t a4" instead of "-paper a4", as it should be and 
 > > as it is in the File->ShowDvi command).
 > If you look into the manpage of dvips you'll see that -t a4 is the
 > right option (there is no -paper for dvips).
 > Greets Jürgen

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