i'm trying to install the latest version of lyx on
a SuSE linux intel computer. i got all the required
packages. but i got the same problem as bill simpson
([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02796.html).
i found out that the problem is that the following include files:
Xatom.h, Xutil.h, Xlib.h called within forms.h are missing.
the question is where do i get them, to which package they belong?
i checked also the reply by jean-marc lasgouttes
([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02797.html)

so, any help would be appreciated.

best wishes,

(_) __ _ ___   Nikolai Kalitzin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| |/ _` / __|  Institut f. Akustik und Sprachkommunikation / TU Dresden
| | (_| \__ \  Tel.: +49 351 463-2509     Date: 09-Nov-99
|_|\__,_|___/  Fax.: +49 351 463-7091     Time: 10:28:47

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