Hi there,

I posted this question a few days ago but I am not shure whether it
reached the mailing list. So if you already got it - please apologize for
bothering you :-)
Please let me just describe what I want to do: I would like
to insert text between the heading "Index" and the index-list itself,
something like


        As mentioned above menue items are printed in capitals.

        And so on....

The index list itself should be generated by Insert -> ... Index List. I
already tried to insert a footnote, but this didn't it...

Any hints are welcome (maybe some LaTeX code will do the trick...?)

thanks in advance


NB: I use Lyx 1.1.4 on a SuSE 6.2 Linux

Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
 - Product Management -
    ++49 9254 960332
CSE GmbH         Germany

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