Olav wrote:
>>Yes, search no more ! - all your hints made me find a solution :
>>in Lyx : 
>>- Layout->Paper ->Orientation = Portrait
>>              Papersize = "own"
>>              Width = 29.6        * used  with/height = 1.33 =  screen 
>>              Height= 22.25
>>- Layout->Document ->Extra Options = dvips
>>- Print as file.ps
>>In shell
>>- ps2pdf file.ps file.pdf
>>-  acroread file.pdf
>>- set "full screen mode (shift ctrl-L)" and take on a confident smile ;-)
>>Thanks !-)
>>  Olav 

Great! your made me understand that you must forget a4paper/landscape
to view with acrobat when using ps2pdf.

a4+landscape provides a4paper with the viewgraph in landcape:
this OK for printing and ghostviewing, but fails with Acrobat reader.
To get a good result you need to write in a 297x210mm portrait...

So I wrote a script to plug a set of xfig viewgraphs in pdf.

Still looking for a solution with seminar (the example works with slides).

Thanks a lot for the hint.


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