Hello again:

Please forgive this post if I have violated the protocol or purpose of this list. I know it is for lyx specific questions but don't know how to proceed with some advice previously offered to me from here.

I have taken the advice offered re. bibliographic programs that run in concert with lyx , but have run into another snag.

Re. Pibliographer, I have found the .rpm binary and installed it (along with a host of other needed programs) .  It is now stalling when I try to use it.

Re. other programs suggested in the list below: most of them are only available in source code, and being a beginner who is spoiled with all the packaged binaries (*.rpm) I have no idea how to install from source code. I will read documentation on how to install from binary, but don't know where to begin.

I would use xemacs, but am very new to that too.

And the final draft of a legal thesis is due in two weeks. (Yes, I know I whine, but I refuse to return to M$ to accomplish my goals!)
Please help.

If there is anyone willing to coach me through any particular install off list, please let me know.

Tony Dancer wrote:

On 19 Feb, Shawn Koons penned the following fine prose:
> I'm stumped!
> I've read all the documentation I can on bibtex databases (except for
> Lamport's because the local libraries do not carry it) but can not find
> out to start one. I have went to the command line in a shell and typed
> 'bibtex' in a variety of formats to no avail.
> I am a new guy and not afraid of reading, but just getting started is
> stumping me.
> Please help.
> I use lyx 1.1.4 . on mandrake 6.5
> Shawn Koons
> --
> Mitakuye Oyasin

Would I be correct in thinking you are trying to run bibtex in order to
enter information? This is a misconception I made when I first starting
to use it.

In actual fact, bibtex is a bit like latex in that regard. It takes a
file which has special commands in it and processes it accordingly.

You could create a bibtex file using a text editor -- or emacs :-) --
but perhaps the best way is a bibliographic program that creates and
helps you to maintain a bibtex "database" or databases (I keep my
articles seperate from books, and organise them by subject etc).

There are a few you could try.
pybliographer (still a bit unstable, but highly comprehensive and
excellent searching)

type any of these in on a decent search engine, and you will find the
home page. They provide a GUI front end. All but Barracuda provide a
`insert citation into lyx' function.

Barracuda and qbibman require qt libs, pyliographer and gbib are gnome,
and tkbibtex uses TK libs!

Using one of these packages with lyx for all your bibtex/latex needs is
a bit like using word with endnote.

Hope this helps

Mitakuye Oyasin

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