>>>>> "Shawn" == Shawn Koons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Shawn> Thank you Kayvan A. Sylvan, the fix worked.

Shawn> At your promting, I have shortened the file and am attaching it
Shawn> here for other developers to see as a test case.

Shawn> If you open the file in lyx (I use 1.1.4) and then "View
Shawn> PostScript", when you compare the two views, you will find that
Shawn> certain text is repeated. If you then change all the Paragraphs
Shawn> to Standard, the duplication is gone and the desired result is
Shawn> produced. [Please excuse the roughness of the content, it is a
Shawn> rough draft :)]

Note that you are not supposed to use Paragraph here. As its name does
not say, Paragraph is in  fact a subsubsubsection header, and it not designed
to be used for running text. Use Standard instead.


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