I have a master document with included lyx files (Include File / LyX 
document specified) for all my chapters. I find this the easiest way to
manage the thesis. I want to insert a cross reference in one chapter
(chapter one) to refer to another chapter (chapter two). I have
inserted the label in chapter two, and in the master document if i wish
to insert a cross reference, sure enough all the labels are there. 

But when I load up chapter one, of course the reference is not on my
list of available labels, because chapter one has no explicit knowledge
(presumably) of chapter two. 

This is going to cause major problems with cross-referencing throughout
my thesis. Is there any way round this? I am sure I am missing
something obvious, but can't find the answer in the documentation
(1.0.4, which I know is a little out of date).

I'd appreciate any help.


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