Hi Lyx-ianer,

i have a special german question. I tried to use the package natbib 
and bibgerm to include citation references in my lyx-document.
In the BibTeX generated references i used the style gerapali.bst and 
the results were looking quite good.

The only thing that i want to get rid of are the short citations in 
parenthesis in front of the full citation references in the created
reference capitel. Is it possible to exclude the short citations and
the parenthesis with a TeX command or with simple changes in 
the gerapali.bst style file?


    [Author1 et al. 1987] Author1, A., B. Author2 und C. Author3 (1987). title ... 

-what i want:
    Author1, A., B. Author2 und C. Author3 (1987). title ... 

Without the bibgerm package and with the normal apalike.bst it
works fine, without any short citations in parenthesis in front of
the normal citation references.

Thanks for any help


Reiner Emmerling, Ph.D. student
BLT Grub

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