>From Osvaldo Fornaro, Wed Mar 29, at 16:01:
 ."Paolo M. Pumilia" wrote:
 .> >From Jean-Marc Lasgouttes, Wed Mar 29, at 10:41:
 .>  .>>>>> "Paolo" == Paolo M Pumilia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 .>  .Paolo> I noticed that subscripts, in math mode, are not aligned at the
 .>  .Paolo> same level. In postscript and dvi translation of the expression
 .>  .Paolo> (math mode) r_a - r_b subscripts a and b lay on different
 .>  .Paolo> lines, b being on the lower one.
 .>  .
 .Maybe you must to use \mathrm{} instead \textrm{} in math mode ...

thank you Osvaldo, 
i had to use different types for a and b subscripts, to distiguish them from the
usual ones. I found that such result could be obtained by pressing alt-m-m within
the subscript prompt.  
Now it seems that subscripts in the command string  

  \begin_inset Formula \( r_{\textrm{a}}-r_{\textrm{b}} \)

are not properly rendered, as they are in the more usual command

  \begin_inset Formula \( r_{a}-r_{b} \)

Is there another way to change the character font family, in math mode?

thank you  
 Paolo Pumilia
 o o o     cstc      o o o

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