>From Lars Gullik Bjønnes, Wed Apr 26, at 14:35:
 ."Paolo M. Pumilia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 .| Is it possible to mark the position of the doc behind the cursor, like in vi 
 .| editing sessions, so as to be able to quickly run through the whole file?
 .| If not, could it be implemented in the next future?
 .I am not familiar with this feature, can you explain a bit more?

In vi sesions, when pressing "m" key and then a single ascii character (say "a"), 
you simply add a non-visible control character, at the cursor position, within the 
vi buffer you are editing. You say that the mark "a" has been defined in your document.

Whenever you press "'" then "a", you are quickly brought to the line that contains 
that mark "a".

The character "'" is a command in vi. Another command (as far as i can remember, it
is "`") brings you immediately on the exact cursor position (rather than the start
of the line) you marked before.

All control characters are discarded, when saving the doc.


 Paolo Pumilia
 o o o     cstc      o o o

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