Oscar Lopez wrote:

> \newcommand{\myBoxIII}[1]{\hspace{1cm}\hfill%
>   \fbox{%
>      \parbox{5cm}{#1}%
>   }%
>   \hfill%
>   \parbox{0.5cm}{%
>     \begin{eqnarray} \\  \\ \end{eqnarray}%
>   }
> }
> ..........................
> but now my question is there exists any way to adjust automatically  the
> size of the boxes ? It is a little bit painful try to adjust the size by
> hand, but if there isn't  other solution, ....,

ok, here it comes ... not easy, but it's what you want ;-)
now \mybox{the lyx formula}
gives a boxed formula with a optimized frame. the value for \parbox in
\newcommand\myBox ... is no more important, but don't leave it blank,
latex needs a value. i choose the tex-code from fancybox.sty where
the Beqnarray is defined.

  {%   code for \begin{}
  \def\@eqnnum{{\csname reset@font\endcsname\rm (\theequation)}}%
        \hskip 2\arraycolsep
        \hskip 2\arraycolsep
      &\if@eqnsw\hskip 1em\fi
  {%    code for \end{}



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