In a message dated: 23 May 2000 17:35:54 +0200
Lars Gullik Bjønnes said:

>Baruch Even <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>[several very good ideas snipped]
>The framework to implement some of your ideas are finally getting into
>place and they will be made functional in CVS after 1.1.5 is released.
>Ad. embedded scripting. I have begun to look into how we can embed
>python. There will probably we a first _simple_ approach for 1.1.6.

Do we get a Dancing Paperclip, too ?  Vim has one :)

        "I always explain our company via interpretive dance.
             I meet lots of interesting people that way."
                                          Niall Kavanagh, 10 April, 2000

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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