I have added the following text to my lyxrc file.


# These do pairs of: () {} [] <> ||

\bind "M-9"                     "math-delim ( )"
\bind "M-bracketright"          "math-delim [ ]"
\bind "M-bracketleft"           "math-delim { }"
\bind "C-period"                "math-insert dots"
\bind "C-comma"                 "math-delim langle rangle"
\bind "M-slash"                 "math-delim | |"
\bind "C-slash"                 "math-delim Vert Vert"
\bind "C-bracketleft"           "math-delim lfloor rfloor"
\bind "C-bracketright"          "math-delim lceil rceil"


This allows me use use math delimiters very convieniently.
Unfortunately I find the delimiters to be too large.
Is there a way to force them to be slightly smaller?

Preferably I would do this in the preamble so that
the work I have done so far would not need to be modified.

Alternatively I could modify the text above so the delimiters
would be smaller in future.

As a last resort I could uses lyx macros instead of the mappings
above.  This would be less convienient but preferable to the
current state of affairs.

Perhaps I should ask this question to a tex user group but I
thought I would ask here first.


Ralph Boland

P.S.  Does anybody besides me find the math delimiters to be
too large?

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