I am using lyx 1.0.4

I am having trouble printing an article 
(with ams things loaded into it) two sided.

I found the some advice from a couple of old postings (below):

However these suggestions don't seem to work for me.

1) exporting, making the modification, and then importing
makes too many undesireable affects on my document.

2)  doing a  \usepackage[twoside]{graphics} in the 
    preamble gives me a latex
    error message:

     "Latex Error:  Option clash for package graphics"

3)  The following advice was unclear to me:
     "forcing by editing in text mode seems to work too"

I tried editing anything in my lyxfile that I could find
that might set this value correctly but nothing I tried

Is there a way for me to set two sided printing correctly.

>>  \documentclass{article}
>> but if I select 'two side' I get
>>  \documentclass[oneside]{article}
>> Has anyone else seen this behavior?
>yes it's the same with the book class... so i export in latex replace
>the oneside with twoside and commpile it....
I also had the same problem with book class.

To solve it, use graphics package with option 'twoside' in your
preamble and everything should be OK.

Janiska wrote:

forcing by editing in text mode seems to work too


when you open your document under lyx this configuration is kept
> To solve it, use graphics package with option 'twoside' in your
> preamble and everything should be OK.
> Sincerely,
> Sasa

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