On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Marco Bravi wrote:
> > I have inserted the floats in the text, since it is convenient to have
> > ....
> > editor-format layout.
> > 
> it's a little bit tricky:
> - choose only option p for placement
> - give the first figure a size bigger than your page
>   (you can put the real figure on a white background)
> now latex puts the first figure at the end and all the others
> behind this.
> i dont't know a better solution.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. It may well solve the first problem
(putting everything at the end) but:

1. Does not help during the editing stage--I would like the figures to
appear at their normal in-page locations then;

2. Even if the first float appears after the last text page, still small
size floats will end up in one single page, because the
\setcounter{totalnumber}{1} directive seems not working.

Any suggestions?

Marco Bravi

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