Hi Herbert,

Herbert Voss wrote:
> Beaubert Francois wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > How to use lyx2pdf within lyx via custom-export?
> >
> > I'have tried to specify the command:
> >
> >  lyx2pdf $$FName
> in ~/.lyx/lyxrc look for a line
> \custom_export_command "ps2pdf '$$FName' `basename '$$FName'
> .ps_tmp`.pdf"
> and than do the custom export postscript.

This works pretty good, thanks for the hint (even if I havenīt asked for
it but itīs really worth to read the mailing list :-).
The only thing I still would like to know: Is it possible to tell LyX to
save the pdf-File not in the tmp-directory but in the working directory
(the directory where the "origin" LyX-file is) ?

Thanks for any hint.

Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
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