Am Wed, 04.Oct.2000 um 12:41:51 +0200 schrieb Emanuele Olivetti:
> I'm trying to make some slides as I did 6 months ago, but now on my latest
> LyX release (1.1.4fix3) I can't find slides(FoilTeX) document class...?
> Why?
> Previously I used LyX 1.04 and everything works well.
> How can I add that document class now (without upgrading)?

This problem is related to your LaTeX installation, not to LyX.

Do you happen to run Debian/GNU Linux, and did you update to "potato"
(Debian 2.2)? I experienced the same with my LaTeX setup under the above
distribution. For licensing issues, foiltex is no longer part of the
"tetex-nonfree" package. You have to grab it from a CTAN mirror and install
it manually.


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