On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Thomas Adamek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>my name is Thomas and I'm new in this list and also to lyx.
>I just made my first steps. Now I want to make some foils. I read,
>that I can use the slides class for it (what I tried with success) or
>the foiltex class. This class I couldn't find on my "linux/debian/potato"-system. So 
>I tried to download it but I only find an archive foiltex that contains the files 
>foiltex.dtx and foiltex.ins.
>What have I to do with these files ?

Simply feed them both to latex. Running latex on the .dtx file
will produce the documentation (as a .dvi), runnning it on the
.ins file will extract the actual code. There is a README file
with more detailed instructions.

Philipp Lehman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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