"Martin Högman" wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently writing a C-level paper in Classical Archaeology, and would
> appreciate some help in modifying the report.cls to create title-pages in t=
> he
> following, university-approved  model:
> * in the top-left corner, the following text is needed:
> G=F6teborgs Universitet
> Antikens kultur och samh=E4llsliv
> Uppsats, f=F6rdjupningskurs 1
> Martin H=F6gman, HT 2000
> (that is, First line is the University, Second is the Class, third is a
> classification (here a paper) then course (third level here, and last line =
> is
> Authors name, and what semester/year)
> * In the middle comes the title, just as in the normal report-class.
> * removal of absolute date that generally comes under author in the standard
> class.=20
> Right. Hope I made my intentions clear. Please help, since I'm (as always)
> running out of time for this project.

have a look at the attached lyx-file


#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 2.17
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\usepackage{pstcol}                % PSTricks with the `color' extension
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\parbox{\textwidth}{Göteborgs Universitet\\
 Antikens kultur och samhällsliv\\
 Uppsats, fördjupningskurs 1\\ 
 Martin Högman, HT 2000 \\ \today}
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\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\latex latex 

myTitle{The Title}
\layout Standard

------------- your text -----------

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